Unit History-27th Bomb Gp (L)

Other Histories
Headquarters Deaths
Headquarters Squadron Deaths
16th Bomb Squadron Deaths
17th Bomb Squadron Deaths
91st Bomb Squadron Deaths
48th Materiel Squadron Deaths
2nd Observation Sq Deaths
454th Ordinance Sq Deaths
15th Bomb Squadron Deaths
Cemetery Abbreviations

Up One Level ] Other Histories ] Headquarters Deaths ] Headquarters Squadron Deaths ] 16th Bomb Squadron Deaths ] 17th Bomb Squadron Deaths ] 91st Bomb Squadron Deaths ] 48th Materiel Squadron Deaths ] 2nd Observation Sq Deaths ] 454th Ordinance Sq Deaths ] 15th Bomb Squadron Deaths ] Cemetery Abbreviations ]




[27th Bomb Gp (L)]
[27th Bomb Group (L)]
[27th Bomber Group (Light)]

Click on image above to view infobase extract that includes thumbnails
and all the original infobase images
and text.  It is 49 MB in size, with 434 pages.

Click HERE to view "text only" version that will load faster but that does not contain
the original document and other images.  It is 971 KB in size, with 320 pages.

If you are a member of my immediate family having access rights and a password,
click HERE to view an expanded version.  It is 54 MB in size, with 535 pages.

infobase was most recently printed in color and
bound as a 524 page book on 17 June 2006

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